20 Signs that you're having an OBSESSIVE TWILIGHT DISORDER!
1. You read The Twilight Saga not just once but twice or more.(I can't even count how many?)
2. You are still reading The Twilight Saga until now. (In the sense of REPEATING IT)
3. You know the Cullens very well. (Yep. Wouldn't know them?)
4. You hyperventilated several times already because of The Twilight Saga.(Happens all the time! When something big comes up.. Okay. HYPERVENTILATING)
5. You cried when Edward left in New Moon. (Tissues..pleaseeeeee!)
6. You agree that New Moon is a sad book. (But you will possibly agree that it's the most essential book in the series. For it set the whole series in motion.)
7. You are looking forward to the movie. (Yeah, right? Breaking Dawn Part 1 and 2? All of us are already dying here to see the movie)
8. Read Breaking Dawn for 24hours and not sleeping. (Did that!)
9. You wish for another book. (Hmmm.. Midnight Sun)
10. You get irritated when there is a folded page.And also when your book accidentally fell and landed on the floor. (Arggghhh!)
11. You constantly search the internet for updates.
12. You watch Twilight stuff on Youtube.
13. You download wallpapers or icons that contains Twilight stuff. (Yeah. My computer is loaded with it.)
14. You post Twilight stuff. (Just like me!)
15. You blog about Twilight.
16. You love and support the whole Twilight Cast. (Even the previous directors and the artists featured on the soundtracks).
17. TEAM ROBSTEN!(Definitely! All the way!)
18. Watch ROBSTEN VIDEOS on Youtube! (Laughs and cries with the videos...)
19. Blogs, and knows every thing about ROBSTEN! (From sightings, to photoshoots and to their red carpet appearances...)
20. You talk about Twilight all the time. (That your friends, are already sick of you. :) )
So there you have it! Hope you like it :)
Any other suggestions? I know you've got loads of it...
Then tell me, I can place it on the list if you want to :)
Awww love it! LOL
shut up doinks... :))) -no. 20 hahaha
Wow. Sarah. Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :))))))))
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