Everything started from the time that I purchased the first book from the series, Twilight. Up until now, I still remember how I bought it.
...It happened on an afternoon of a school day and I was already about to go home. But then, I decided to stop by the bookstore to check out the new books that were just delivered. I was just checking out the whole area and then suddenly I stopped by the Teens Section. And I saw this black covered book with hands that is holding an apple. I was intrigued by the cover itself. Then, I turned the book around and read the whole thing that was written. Oooh VAMPIRE and a HUMAN. I instantly fell in love with the whole concept upon reading it.
Now the dilemma of the day was, am I going to buy the book? In hand I've got 500php that was given to me by my Lolo. But I was having second thoughts of buying the book because my mother might scold me of just spending my money on it. So, I called her up to ask if it's okay to buy it. And I was actually right, she scolded me right away of me planning to buy a book instead of just using the money for my school projects.
But I really stand by with what I want.
So, I went home with the first book from the series, TWILIGHT, in my hands.
And from that specific moment of my life, everything CHANGED.
Life is full of choices. You chose this one, and it can alter your whole life.
Life is completely driven by the choices the we make along the way.
Just like what happened to me, I've CHOSE to buy the book and suddenly it opened up a new path for me. Well, I was introduced to the whole Twilight Universe and more stuffs...

What if I didn't purchase The Twilight Saga novels?
What if I didn't end up liking it?
What if I didn't loved the actors that were cast for the movie to the extent that I signed up for petitions?
What if I didn't care about set updates from the shooting of Twilight til the end?
What if I didn't watched the movies, especially on the day of its premiere?
What if I didn't get on and stayed up late on Twitter for updates?
What if I didn't shipped Rob and Kristen?
What if I didn't try to be updated with Robsten sightings?
What if I didn't truly believe that there's more to Robsten than just friendship?
We can also say that, Life is full of what ifs. Like those questions that I have imposed from the beginning of this post. What if I didn't do this, what if I didn't do that. One thing is for sure if I didn't do those things, I would be living a totally different life from the way it is now.
Do I regret anything because of it, because of loving THE TWILIGHT SAGA and ROBSTEN so much?
No. This part is the best thing that ever happened in my life. And I wouldn't dare changing it even if I can go back in time. I totally love it this way. Through this, it helped me get to know people from all around the world. Made friends with them and share the same sentiments.
And I really couldn't imagine myself without this. Without my love for THE TWILIGHT SAGA. My love and support for ROBSTEN.
~mandalovesrobsten :)
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